Jitesh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Ravindra Brahme
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Jitesh Kumar Sahu1*, Dr. Ravindra Brahme2
1Research Scholar, School of Studies in Economics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur CG
2Professor, School of Studies in Economics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur CG
Published In:
Volume - 7,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2016
Public expenditures play’s an important role in setting the trends of development in a nation or state. The mode of spending and heads under which the expenditure has been incurred is necessary to be monitored time to time so as to determine whether the expenditure incurred was necessary or not and to further determine whether there is need of increasing the expenditure or not. The research work focus on determining the trends and pattern of public expenditure incurred on heads that are basic administrative functionalities that is being provided by the state government of Chhattisgarh. These functionalities were general education, public health and social security and welfare. The paper concludes that Chhattisgarh state is following the same trend as of other states and is negligent towards public health and fails to meet the 5% thumb rule of WHO. The expenditures are directed more towards general education and social security and welfare.
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Jitesh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Ravindra Brahme. Comparative study based on analysis of expenditure incurred by Chhattisgarh under public health, social security and welfare and general education: Trends and Patterns. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016; 7(2): 121-126. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00020.6
Jitesh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Ravindra Brahme. Comparative study based on analysis of expenditure incurred by Chhattisgarh under public health, social security and welfare and general education: Trends and Patterns. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016; 7(2): 121-126. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00020.6 Available on: