Author(s): Naila Rashid, Sadaf Nasir


DOI: Not Available

Address: Dr. Naila Rashid, Dr. Sadaf Nasir
PGT (Psychology) SSSC Boys, AMU, Aligarh,
Guest Faculty, D/o. Sociology, AMU, Aligarh,
*Corresponding Author:

Published In:   Volume - 4,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2013

Everywhere women are confronted with many challenges. Female foeticide is perhaps one of the worst forms of violence against women where a woman is denied her most basic and fundamental right i.e “the right to life”. Feticide or foeticide is an act that causes the death of a fetus ( This act has been increasing making this world unsafe for women. Female foeticide is one of the most nefarious crimes on this earth; perhaps what is detestable is that the people who commit crime belong to the educated class. To this menace our ancestral and biased view about male child, lack of education, ever increasing population and dowry have been good propellants (www.legalserviceindia. com/article/l292-Female-Foeticide.html). The phenomenon of female foeticide in India is not new, where female embryos or foetuses are selectively eliminated after pre-natal sex determination, thus eliminating girl child even before they are born. As a result of selective abortion, between 35 and 40 million girls and women are missing from the Indian population. In some parts of the country, the sex ratio of girls to boys has dropped to less than 800:1000. The United Nations has expressed serious concern about the situation. The long standing tradition of son preference, coupled with medical technology now gives to the status conscious Indian families, the choice between payment of large dowry for their daughters or elimination of daughters. The traditional method of getting rid of the unwanted girl child was female infanticide, where the female baby was done away with after birth in various ways-either by poisoning the baby or letting her choke on husk or simply by crushing her skull under a charpoy. With the advancement of medical technology sophisticated techniques can now be used or rather misused, to get rid of her before birth. Through ultrasound scans and amniocentesis, the sex of the foetus can be determined during the pregnancy of the woman and then the foetus is aborted if found to be female (Mehta & Jayna, 2001).

Cite this article:
Naila Rashid, Sadaf Nasir. Female Foeticide in India: Causes and Consequences. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 4(3): July-September, 2013, 344-346.

Naila Rashid, Sadaf Nasir. Female Foeticide in India: Causes and Consequences. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 4(3): July-September, 2013, 344-346.   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828 

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