This Research Paper focuses on and deals with the various aspects of Surveillance in India and Internationally. The paper mainly focuses on the State of Surveillance in India and the laws revolving around it as well as the evolution of the Fundamental Right to Privacy in India. The concept of surveillance is divided into two sections of State Surveillance and Corporate Surveillance. It discusses the duty and the Liability of each concerning the Right to Privacy. The Paper also compares India’s Privacy and Surveillance policy with The United States of America and The United Arab Emirates. The United States of America dramatically changed its Surveillance Policy after the terrorist attack of 9/11. The United Arab Emirates envisages a more liberal and comprehensive approach towards Surveillance in their State. It gives the detailed comparison between the laws of these three nations and the vices and virtues of these laws of each nation. The advantages and the disadvantages of surveillance are analysed on various aspects and with an international perspective. This paper attempt to give a comprehensive idea of Surveillance and its impact on the people as well as in the international level due to the fast-pacing globalization.
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Priya Rao. State Surveillance and Corporate Surveillance. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022;13(3):193-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-5828.2022.00031
Priya Rao. State Surveillance and Corporate Surveillance. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022;13(3):193-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-5828.2022.00031 Available on: https://www.rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2022-13-3-11
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