‘This paper attempts to study the empowerment its elements, process its conceptual and theoretical understanding. It also based on the assumption that empowerment –towards women empowerment frameworks leave a lot of scope for reforms as the gaps prevail which weaken implementation addressed by developmental organizations. The paper also aspires to look into the empowerment process towards women empowerment through Self Help Groups and their linkages with micro-credit, among rural are and to understand SHGs have not been able to sufficiently create an empowerment among rural women despite it won’t address/promote the well-being process and sustainable livelihood. It also look into the Distinctive nature of SHGs against the dominant forces of patriarchal society and the nature of relationships, social interactions leading towards collective interests and norms that shape the quality and quantity of life with family and within society through promotion of well-being. Methodological considerations, objectives, findings and conclusion have been also discussed.
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Vikram Singh. Empowerment and Promotion of well-being among Rural Women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Micro Credit. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016; 7(2): 127-135. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00021.8
Vikram Singh. Empowerment and Promotion of well-being among Rural Women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Micro Credit. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016; 7(2): 127-135. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00021.8 Available on: https://www.rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2016-7-2-9