K. Jothy, S. Kalaiselvi
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Dr. K. Jothy1* and Ms. S. Kalaiselvi2
1Associate Professor of Population Studies, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002, Tamilnadu, INDIA
2Assistant Professor of Economics (DDE), Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002, Tamilnadu, INDIA
*Corresponding Author:
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2013
Health is a significant contributor to human capital formation and the health status of the population is an important indicator of human resource development. Investment in health has direct returns in terms of longevity and improvement in the physical and mental development of the people. Hence, health planning becomes an integral part of socio-economic planning and provision of health care facilities is related to preventive, curative and promotive services.
In India, there have been few attempts to evaluate the performance of reproductive health service providers through longitudinal studies. A study done by Sinha, Mohanty, Roy, and Koenig (2002) shows that though in 2002 there is low level of home visit by health workers at over all level in the states of Bihar, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, however situation has improved if it is compared with year 1998. The study is based upon a follow-up survey. The study concludes that women who receive regular home visits by the health workers are more likely to utilize the reproductive health services. In this manner, the study argues in favor of effectiveness of reproductive health programme efforts made by public service providers. In longitudinal context, a study done by Roy, Ram, Nangia, Saha & Khan (2003) has shown the role of psychological intentions in explaining the contraceptive demand.
Tamil Nadu has been upheld as a model for the rest of India for its impressive progress in fertility reduction and its vast investments in the provision of health care in the public sector. At the same time, women’s health status leaves much to be desired. More than half of ever married women in the age group of 15-49 in Tamil Nadu (53%) have anaemia, including 16 percent with moderate to severe anaemia. The prevalence has decreased by only 3 percentage points between NFHS-2 and NFHS-3.
The Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme is the flagship programme of Family Welfare, which combines the trinity of objectives, viz., reproductive health, child survival and fertility regulations. The inputs are linked to the needs of the area as well as capacity for implementation. The programme (with district as the basis) is mainly offered through Primary Health Infrastructure. The overall goals of the programme are to reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity and assure reproductivity health and choice and thereby contribute to the stabilization of population.
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K. Jothy, S. Kalaiselvi. Reproductive and Child Health Status Differentials in Tamil Nadu. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 4(2): April-June, 2013, 223-230.
K. Jothy, S. Kalaiselvi. Reproductive and Child Health Status Differentials in Tamil Nadu. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 4(2): April-June, 2013, 223-230. Available on: