The paper would be a modest attempt to throw a light on the history of press from its inception up to 1947 and role of newspapers in national awakening among masses in Kashmir. The press in the state has faced a number of teething troubles as well as problems and was discouraged at every level by the State administration. However, during early half of twentieth century, the voice of Kashmir was raised by the newspapers of Punjab and these newspapers in turn played a vital role in awakening the political consciousness among the Kashmiri masses. However, most of the papers which started their publication were immediately stopped after they showed off their political colour which was not permissible in the state.
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Firdous Hameed Parey. Press in Jammu and Kashmir Pre-1947: An analytical study. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019; 10(4): 1045-1050. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00170.0
Firdous Hameed Parey. Press in Jammu and Kashmir Pre-1947: An analytical study. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019; 10(4): 1045-1050. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00170.0 Available on: https://www.rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2019-10-4-13